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How Fluoride Protects Your Teeth
By replenishing the enamel on your teeth regularly with fluoride, bacteria and plaque are easily resisted and removed before causing tooth decay. An in-office fluoride treatment provides the following benefits:
Higher concentrations which means longer lasting impact
Fluoride applied after a teeth cleaning is significantly more effective
Protection for the exposed roots of teeth
Seals and relieves discomfort from sensitive teeth and gums
Eradicates white spots, bacteria, and early tooth decay
Strengthens the teeth enamel of patients at high risk for cavities
Protects the roots of teeth
Enhances the appearance and overall health of all teeth
Drastically improves defense against decay in patients with dry mouth
Reduce tooth sensitivity for orthodontics patients
How Fluoride Is Applied In-Office
We use a safe amount of fluoride that guarantees excellent, long-lasting results for your teeth. There are two ways that we can administer a fluoride treatment:
FluorideVarnish: We will brush a thin veneer of fluoride onto your teeth. This provides a concentrated dose of fluoride onto your teeth, strengthening them immediately.
Fluoride Tray: During your appointment, we may fill a tray with fluoride gel or foam and ask you to bite into it for approximately four minutes.
Direct doses of a natural occurring mineral to strengthen teeth.
Fluoride is a mineral that prevents tooth decay by strengthening the protective enamel on teeth. Small amounts of fluoride are present in most treated water, tooth pastes and mouth washes. A professionally administered fluoride treatment by a dentist can serve to prevent cavities and dramatically improve the health of patients at high risk for tooth decay.
How Fluoride Protects Your Teeth
By replenishing the enamel on your teeth regularly with fluoride, bacteria and plaque are easily resisted and removed before causing tooth decay. An in-office fluoride treatment provides the following benefits:
Higher concentrations which means longer lasting impact
Fluoride applied after a teeth cleaning is significantly more effective
Protection for the exposed roots of teeth
Seals and relieves discomfort from sensitive teeth and gums
Eradicates white spots, bacteria, and early tooth decay
Strengthens the teeth enamel of patients at high risk for cavities
Protects the roots of teeth
Enhances the appearance and overall health of all teeth
Drastically improves defense against decay in patients with dry mouth
Reduce tooth sensitivity for orthodontics patients
How Fluoride Is Applied In-Office
We use a safe amount of fluoride that guarantees excellent, long-lasting results for your teeth. There are two ways that we can administer a fluoride treatment:
FluorideVarnish: We will brush a thin veneer of fluoride onto your teeth. This provides a concentrated dose of fluoride onto your teeth, strengthening them immediately.
Fluoride Tray: During your appointment, we may fill a tray with fluoride gel or foam and ask you to bite into it for approximately four minutes.
Ready to Schedule an Appointment?
Struggling with teeth that are highly sensitive to the touch? Want a stronger, healthier smile? Contact us today to discuss your treatment options.